Tour de North Rancho Cucamonga

Cycling in the Inland Empire has its pros and cons. The ability to ride above the clouds one day, along the coast the next, or both in one day. The sunny weather and extended summer. All of the stop lights. From majestic mountain rides to inconsiderate drivers, there’s never a dull moment. And speaking of dull, we know cycling routes do get slightly repetitive around here. We could probably go up and down GMR with our eyes closed at this point, although we would never recommend it. So, to spice things up, we introduce you to a new cycling route: our version of the Tour de North Rancho Cucamonga.

We’ll admit we haven’t done the ride very much. But we’ll also promise it to be an unconventional route to repetitive freedom. Basically, it tackles every single main street climb in Rancho Cucamonga. Whether that seems silly to you or not, this is a fun ride that gives you a break from the conventional routes around town. A new adventure and sights in our own backyard!

Cycling Route in North Rancho Cucamonga, California
A new cycling route to try, offered by Bosco Bike Fits, that we call the Tour de North Rancho Cucamonga.

Here are some of the stats: roughly 3.5 hours, 1600 meters of climbing, and 70-80 kilometers. That’s roughly 5,120 feet of climbing and 40-50 miles for our non-metric friends. This is definitely a backyard adventure and a way to see North Rancho Cucamonga from a different perspective!

The profile may look deceivingly difficult, given that it looks like shark teeth. We trust that you’ll have fun with it though; it’s the local road adventure you’ve been wanting and a way to keep things fun! Let us know once you’ve given this cycling route a shot and which unconventional adventures are your favorites.

And if you crave some coffee afterwards, check out five coffee stops we highly recommend.